Friday, 7 June 2013

... and so she was transported back into the 60's

Hey Blogletts,
Here is some pictures of a winged liner look I did with the maybelline gel eyeliner which has now dried up, sad sad sad. Thinking of purchasing the clinique one, what do you think?
Anyway here are the pictures ....

Once a week I will be striving to upload a makeup look for you ... here's to the first of many
Hope these tickled your pickle

Bye for now xx

Weight Issues?

Hey Blogletts,
Todays post is a little bit of a copout as it was on my old blog ... however I think it is more than relevant to pop on here so I hope this helps!

This is a bit of a different post in that it may seem a bit gloomy and doomy, I have had a bad day.
To cheer myself up I bought chocolate (and sweets). In buying this I got snooty looks from people.
I know I am not the slimmist and am unfit but why does that give others the right to judge.
I eat relatively healthy and if I want to eat why can't I, who descides what I can or can't eat ME yeah me not snooty people. I wanted to do this post to encourage every single person to be confident in their body. Everyone has those days when they think, oh I must go on a diet, but why should they. Everyone is beautiful no matter what size and should not compare themselves to anyone else, you are unique. I am past caring what others think and am pretty confident in myself, although when it comes to public speaking  I am bit brain dead and go 'uuuhhhhh'. To prove this I am going to insert some pictures that some people may look at and go how dumb, how ugly, why would you do that but I just say life is too short, live it!

Me being some woodland creature, I don't normally look like this is was a bit of a sneaky photo

Me with chopsticks, I couldn't use them so alternaitve use it is

Me in a hat trying to get up out of a broken chair with no hands.

I know these photos have nothing to do with weight, but they get the point across to be confident in you're body, it is YOURS and no one elses love it!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder!

Bye for now xx

Thursday, 6 June 2013

This weeks playlist #2

Hey Blogletts,
So I am one for finding new music and I thought I would once again share my current music loves with you ...
1. Robert De Long - Global Concepts
2. Robin Thicke - Blurred lines
3. Bastille - Overjoyed
4. Disclosure - When a fire starts to burn
5. Icona Pop - I love it

So there are my current loves in music and I hope you enjoy them!
What are your favourites at the moment?
Bye for now xx

Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Primark for ASOS

Hey Blogletts,
How many times have you wished you could buy Primark clothes online?
Well whilst scouring through posts this morning I came across one by Miss Beauty Budget who said that you could buy Primark clothes online on ASOS. Well of course I checked it out and in fact you can!

Currently there is a very limited range of clothes, however there are some great pieces there so far.
I doubt the reduced £1 bargains will be available to us but these clothes are still cheap as chips and this makes our bank balance a little happier, right girls?

Click here for the amazing site ...
And here, here and here for my favourite pieces!

Good one ASOS!
Check out the website and let me know below what your favourite pieces are or if you have bought any!
Bye for now xx

Monday, 3 June 2013

Instagrammin' #4

Hey Blogletts,
So here is my recent goings on on instagram - follow me at

Newest addition to my collection #makeup #realtechniques #pixiwoo

Guinea Pig time #sunny #piggy

Morning #startthedaywithasmile

be my friend #piggy #sun #outside

Having lisa cuddles #cat #kitty #love

reading wuthering heights #classic #toodumb

what the

ready to party


This is from, this is from Mathilda


Living the high life #blondes #filmnight

last night #gig #rumours
 So that's my latest instagram posts, leave your instagram below so I can have a nosey at your pics.
Bye for now xx


<a href="">Follow my blog with Bloglovin</a>

You can now follow my blog via Bloglovin'.

(this post was needed to claim my blog hence the oddness)

Give it a little follow and I will love you even more xx

Sunday, 2 June 2013

Technology sucks

Hey Blogletts,
So there have been no posts lately due to my stupid laptop charger melting and thus preventing my laptop from turning on. This means all of the lovely pics for posts and content for them are hidden away and I can't use the damn thing to write any new posts ... as this is being done on a lovely friends computer.
The only upside to this is that it has come at a wonderful time as I currently have my A levels so fitting in blogging within revision just isn't a priority right now.
However once said laptop is fixed and exams are over, blogging will be seriously picking up, a schedule is being made and post ideas are being frantically jotted down, so hopefully the family of this blog can continue to grow.

I hope you understand and thanks for being patient!
What have you lovely bunch been up to?
Bye for now xx